Earn a full-year PSY credit in Siena, Italy this summer!
Love the Italian language and culture? What better way is there to learn it than by living and studying in Siena for 4.5 weeks!
The Italy Summer Abroad Program
The program will be organized and hosted by the Universitá degli Studi di Siena https://en.unisi.it/, the second oldest university in Italy, dating back to 1240. Students will be housed in the University residences, which are centrally located and within walking distance to both classrooms and city attractions.
The course PSY306Y0 Disability: Culture and Inclusion
offer students the opportunity to explore Italy’s culture and language first hand. PSY306Y0 an interdisciplinary seminar on the life-long development of individuals with exceptionalities. Topics include controversial social and educational issues (e.g., inclusion vs. segregation), legal, family and economic issues, disability across the lifespan, communication disorders, hearing and visual impairment, autism, and acquired brain injury. Special emphasis will be placed on the social and historical factors that play a determining role as to whether impairment leads to the psychological experience of disability.
Students will learn about institutionalization by visiting the Istituto degli Innocenti (Florence) and San Servolo Insane Asylum Museum (Venice). Students will also learn about the development of knowledge about the causes of disabilities by visiting the Museum of Pathological Anatomy (Florence) and the Museum of the History of Medicine (Padua). There will
also be site visits in Siena. These will include an Accessibility walking tour of the city and lunch at Orto de’ Pecci – a restaurant that is part of a larger initiative to find new job opportunities for people with disabilities and promote respectful diversity within the Siena community.
Applications open until further notice! Visit the Summer Abroad website https://summerabroad.utoronto