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Please email sarah.haller@mail.utoronto.ca to participate!
Psychology Students' Association
University of Toronto
Please email sarah.haller@mail.utoronto.ca to participate!
Seeking healthy adults ages 18-35 years old for a brain imaging study at the University of Toronto’s St. George (Downtown) campus. Compensation provided: $20 per hour. Please email buddingmindslab+fmri@gmail.com if you are interested.
The Buchsbaum Lab headed by Dr Bradley Buchsbaum at Rotman Research Institute in Baycrest Hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto is looking for healthy males to participate in a computer-based functional-magnetic-resonance-imaging (fMRI). The study consists of a single session of up to 1hr 30 min where you view pictures of different objects such as a bookshelf presented on a computer screen while being scanned in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. You will be tested on your memory for the object while learning about the usefulness of fMRI to answer interesting questions on the functions of the human brain […]
The Social Perception and Cognition lab is looking for white individuals to participate in a computer-based behavioural study! The experiment will run for about an hour and participants will be compensated with cash or a PSY100 credit. Please email specialtoronto@gmail.com to learn more about the study. The lab is located at Sidney Smith Hall, on the Subground Floor, Room 90, (turn right from the elevators, all the way down the hall, the last door)
Do you use Instagram regularly? Participate in this study to have a chance of winning 1 of 10 online gift cards worth $100!
Do you smoke marijuana regularly? We are looking for healthy volunteers who smoke cannabis to participate in a research study to help us understand brain activity in mental illness. Do you meet the following criteria? 16-35 years old Have learned English before age 5 Use cannabis regularly never have had a psychiatric or neurological disorder never have had any other drug or alcohol problem CAMH provides other treatment options for mental illness & addictions. CAMH is a research and teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto and is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. […]