Other Opportunities
Award Opportunity
CRESSY AWARDS – nominations due on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 (by 12:00pm) The Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards recognize students that are currently in their final year of study, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70, who have at least two consecutive years of volunteer leadership in the years immediately leading into this nomination period. These students should have made outstanding extra-curricular contributions to their college, faculty or school, or to the University as a whole. Their contributions help to improve the world around them and inspire others to do the same. The following members of the University community […]
Queen’s Psychology Fall Open House!!
Are you interested in applying for graduate studies in psychology? Join current Queen’s students and faculty members at the University Club to learn more about our graduate program, see examples of innovative research conducted by our graduate students, and chat with future peers. When: Saturday, November 3, starting at 10:00 a.m. Where: University Club at Queen’s University, 168 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON Event Highlights: -Our graduate students will present posters so you can learn more about the research that is being conducted by grad students in our Department, and chat with our current students – Faculty will […]
Neurosciences & Mental Health Mini-Symposia Series – Nov 30th
Neurosciences & Mental Health Mini-Symposia Series Presents: How to Make A Memory Fear Extinction by Amygdala Reward Neurons, and Serial Order Code of Episodic Events in the Hippocampus Dr Susumu Tonegawa, Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Retinoic acid receptor signaling in synaptic plasticity and Hebbian leaning Dr Lu Chen, Professor of Neurosurgery and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University Memory formation in the absence of sensory experience Dr Paul Frankland, Senior Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children Opening Windows of Opportunity to Modify Human Memory Dr […]
Inkblot Journal recruitment for 2018-2019
Inkblot: the Undergraduate Journal of Psychology still has 3 positions to be filled on its Editorial Board! In case you missed it last time, fill out the form below to get a chance at joining the team! Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3HfCdjtbvRaPx76s_2AUILrLxLKF77mSKI1xSa1FrWw_gMg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Collaborative Program in Neuroscience Undergraduate Mentorship Program
This is a reminder from the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN) Undergraduate Mentorship Program. The Mentorship Program hosts workshops throughout the year, with the aim of aiding undergraduates interested in applying to graduate studies. We are hosting our 1st workshop, a Q & A Panel with Graduate students and Professors on Thursday, October 18, 5 – 6 pm. It’s a great opportunity to have your Graduate school questions answered, and to network and meet Graduate students and Professors! Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/collaborative-program-in-neuro… Please do not feel that you have to be a neuroscientist or even a final year undergraduate to attend […]
Inkblot Blog Launch
New opportunities with Inkblot! This year Inkblot: the Undergraduate Journal of Psychology is launching a new section under its name–a Blog section targeted towards a general audience. We are now calling for blog submissions for our first blog post, to be due one week before the finals begin. Please see more details in the attached flyer for this time’s topic, requirements, and contact details! We look forward to hearing from you!
Open House at Queen’s University for Prospective Graduate Students
Queen’s University is hosting a Fall Open House for students who are interested in applying to Graduate Studies in Psychology. When: Saturday, November 3, starting at 10:00 a.m. Where: University Club at Queen’s University, 168 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON Event Highlights: -Our graduate students will present posters so you can learn more about the research that is being conducted by grad students in our Department, and chat with our current students – Faculty will be present so you can learn about the programs we have available, and about specific labs – The graduate assistant and co-ordinator will be there so […]
Collaborative Program in Neuroscience Undergraduate Mentorship Program
This is a message from the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN Undergraduate Mentorship Program. CPIN provides neuroscience specialization to graduate students and postdocs at 16 departments across U of T. The Mentorship Program hosts workshops throughout the year, with the aim of aiding undergraduates interested in applying to graduate studies. Undergraduates that sign up for the Mentorship Program receive advice and support from a Graduate mentor on scholarship applications, interviews, Grad student life, and more! Interested in being a part of our program? Just fill in this form: https://goo.gl/forms/B8ppASJ3snVIOyAq2 Also, we are hosting our 1st workshop, a Q & A […]
Inkblot Paper Submission open for 2018-2019
Got research work that you are proud of? Ideas you’re excited to share? Got criticisms for particular works? Send it to Inkblot for a chance at publishing your work and spread your ideas! Starting on Oct. 7 to January 6 before midnight, Inkblot Journal is accepting submissions from all current undergraduate students and recent graduates, from disciplines of Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, etc. Anything from a philosophical/theoretical paper to a research paper will be appropriate–only thing off-limits is research proposals (but change it up to a review or other forms, and you’re good to go). Submissions will be accepted starting […]