Faculty of Arts and Science Self-Study Sessions

This year the Faculty of Arts & Science is under review as part of the Provost Office’s standard quality assurance review cycle, and we need your help to tell our story.

The Arts & Science self-study document is the main reference text for the review. It highlights who we are, what we’ve accomplished over the past five years, and where we’re making improvements. In putting this together, I would greatly appreciate your feedback as part of an open discussion and information session. In general, I would like to meet you and learn more about your experience at UofT, your suggestions, and your ideas.

If available, please RSVP to undergraduate.artsci@utoronto.ca for one of the following dates:

Date: Tuesday, February 13th  4:10pm – 5:00pm
Location: History Conference Room, SS2098 (2nd Floor, Sidney Smith Hall)


Date: Thursday, February 15th 3:10pm – 4:00pm
Location: Psychology Lounge, SS4043 (4th Floor, Sidney Smith Hall)