Welcome to PURC! The Psychology Undergraduate Research Club is a new community we are seeking to build. We hope it will create a venue for undergraduates to develop professional skills and learn more about psychological research. Depending on interest, this group could meet on a weekly basis, offering a variety of presentation opportunities for undergraduates and incorporating guest speakers to provide career development and exposure to work in the field.
For Fall 2020, the group will meet over Zoom and the time will be determined once this survey is completed and a mailing list is generated. We hope the group will span all sub-fields of psychology.
We want to hear from YOU to see what you’d like to hear about and to give you opportunities to sign up to present. If you’re interested, please fill out this survey to help us plan: https://utorontopsych.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5AnRJrtrNpaxP3T
Pending responses from you, the potential talks that would be featured:
- 15-minute talks by ROP, independent study, or thesis students
- 15-minute literature updates by any undergraduates
- Guest presentations from professors
- Guest presentations from graduate students
- Presentations about different methods in psychological science
- A graduate student panel on the graduate school application process