TIME: 10am-12pm
LOCATION: Psychology Lounge (SS 4043)
The Psychology Students’ Association (PSA) presents our annual event, Tea with Professors!
Have you ever found it difficult to go up to your professor after class or attend their office hours? Have you ever wished you could discuss your interests in psychology with our faculty, but found it too intimidating to do so? If your answer is yes to either, here’s the opportunity for you!
At this event, you’ll be given the chance to interact with a number of professors and their graduate students in our psychology department. Whether it’s learning more about your professors’ work, getting some advice on choosing the right path, or even asking about potential research opportunities, this is the perfect event for you! While chatting away, you’ll also be able to enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee), along with a selection of sophisticated snacks. Don’t miss out on this incredible way to close out the semester before finals season approaches!
Our guest list will be announced gradually as the event nears, so make sure to keep yourselves posted by following this page! 😉