Admission to the Research Specialist Program depends in large part on one’s grades in these courses and one’s overall academic performance. Prior research experience is not necessary for admission to the program, but any experience a student does have is obviously helpful. The following is required for admission to the program:
-High school calculus or equivalent
-Completion of at least eight full university courses (starting 3rd year)
-Completion of PSY 100H with a minimum final grade of 80%
-PSY 201H and 202H completed (or equivalent courses in statistics) with at least an average of 75% across the two of them
-At least four PSY 200-level half-courses completed (with at least a 78% average across all of them)
Each year students can apply for this program during the first round of Subject POSt enrolment (April – May) on the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Type 3 Subject POSt Enrolment website. The second round of Subject POSt enrolment is managed through the Dept. of Psychology during the fall.
Application Procedures:
ONLINE APPLICATION FORM (Due Oct. 5th)…/…/research_app.htm
Please complete and submit an online application. The following information will be required:
1. Your name, student number, current subject POSt, email address, and phone number.
2. A one paragraph description of why you want to pursue a research specialist, including specific research interests and goals.
3. Prior research experience, if any (include your supervisor’s name and email address).
4. A printout of your full ACORN transcript and copies of any additional transcripts from other universities you have attended.
5. Other information you’d like to provide that may better assist us in assessing your application.
If you previously applied in the first round of enrolment and were invited to apply again in the fall, please send an email to the Undergraduate Administrator ( by Friday October 5th, 2018 indicating that you would like your application to be re-submitted for consideration. We will still have your application on file so you do not need to give us a new one, however, if there have been any changes that you think would further enhance your application please indicate this in your email.