Graduate School Opportunities at UofT!

The Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area at the Rotman School of Management here at UofT is currently seeking applications from top Psychology/Sociology students with excellent research experience for their Ph.D. program (application deadline January 1st). The Ph.D. program is a 5-year direct entry program, which means people can apply straight out of undergrad.   The faculty studies a variety of exciting different topics, many of which will be interesting to undergraduate students who are interested in applying to Graduate programs in Psychology. For example, study focuses include psychological topics like emotion, morality, stereotyping, discrimination, inequality, empathy, motivation, group […]

Research Opportunities at Concordia University!

Professor Chaudhri from the Department of Psychology at the Concordia University in Montreal has open positions in her lab for graduate students at either the MA or PhD level for Fall 2019! Her lab studies the neural circuits and systems that are important for drug use and relapse, as well as fundamental brain systems that are involved in learning and memory. They are actively recruiting undergraduates with a strong interest in the neural underpinnings of behaviour and disease to apply for these positions.   Information about the graduate program in Psychology at Concordia can be found here.   Information […]

Interested in academic publishing or an academic career?

Watch a 5-minute video on a scholarly communication topic and fill in a questionnaire to learn more about publishing in academia or the experience of a St. Mike’s professor! If you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a co-curricular record. In addition, if you agree to submit your answers to a study to learn how the videos have impacted your understanding of scholarly communication, you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card of your choice (Starbuck’s, Tim Hortons, Cineplex, Apple, or Indigo). Please visit the following site to watch the video and complete the questionnaire: […]

Are you interested in studying with the Faculty of Medicine?

The Graduate and Life Sciences Education (GLSE) team are committed to organizing events that will help undergraduate students discern their future career paths. We will be pairing undergraduate students with 4th-year undergraduate/graduate students from across the 14 different graduate programs offered in the Faculty of Medicine.   Undergraduate/graduate mentors will give an overview of the nature of their research and how it may tie with concepts undergraduate students have learned in their lectures. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to shadow a 4th-year undergraduate/graduate students as they perform their experiments and daily tasks.   Who? All Life Science undergraduate students […]

Award Opportunity

CRESSY AWARDS – nominations due on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 (by 12:00pm)   The Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards recognize students that are currently in their final year of study, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70, who have at least two consecutive years of volunteer leadership in the years immediately leading into this nomination period. These students should have made outstanding extra-curricular contributions to their college, faculty or school, or to the University as a whole. Their contributions help to improve the world around them and inspire others to do the same. The following members of the University community […]

Queen’s Psychology Fall Open House!!

Are you interested in applying for graduate studies in psychology? Join current Queen’s students and faculty members at the University Club to learn more about our graduate program, see examples of innovative research conducted by our graduate students, and chat with future peers.   When: Saturday, November 3, starting at 10:00 a.m.   Where: University Club at Queen’s University, 168 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON   Event Highlights: -Our graduate students will present posters so you can learn more about the research that is being conducted by grad students in our Department, and chat with our current students – Faculty will […]

Become a Research Assistant!

The Scarborough Integrative Perspectives on Personality Psychology Lab is looking for research assistants! This would be an especially great opportunity for students looking to eventually enter a Masters or PhD program in I/O psychology or management.   They are looking for students who are reliable, conscientious, and capable of independent work. Relevant research experience (e.g. running participants, coding data, knowledge of Qualtrics) is an asset but not required. Some work will be conducted at the University of Toronto-Scarborough (UTSC) campus so members of the lab will need to be OK going to UTSC (estimated once every week or 2 weeks). […]