Please see below for information on study participation:

Hello Everyone! My name is Joyce Ann Miguel and I am a UTM Undergraduate Psychology Thesis student who hopes to gain some insight into the experiences of undergraduate students with disabilities as my Thesis project. The project is supervised by Professor Stuart Kamenetsky and will attempt to delve into the barriers that undergraduate students with disabilities face in attaining the necessary credentials and experiences required for admission to postgraduate programs in the ‘helping’ professions (e.g., psychology, medicine, nursing, education, and/or social work).
We are seeking participants to partake in our study. Participation in this study will take approximately 30 mins to complete and will entail completing online questionnaires via your own computer remotely.
All responses are treated as confidential and are strictly anonymous. We are interested only in general response trends, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. All data will be pooled and analyzed in an aggregate form only. Students who participate in this study will be entered in a raffle for five $50 gift cards.
If you are an undergraduate student who has a disability and is considering admission to a postgraduate ‘helping’ program, we would love to hear from you. If interested, please contact Joyce Ann Miguel ( for additional information. Thank you for your time.
Students can complete the study using this link: