We are currently recruiting participants who describe themselves as worriers for another WORRY AND WRITING Study. DO YOU SPEND A LOT OF TIME WORRYING ABOUT MANY DIFFERENT THINGS? DOES WORRYING MAKE IT HARD TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE? DO OTHER PEOPLE SAY YOU WORRY TOO MUCH? DO YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO CONTROL YOUR WORRYING? ARE YOU BETWEEN 18 AND 65 YEARS OLD? If so, you may be eligible to participate in the following study: WORRY AND WRITING 1 STUDY: We are examining the relationship between worry and writing. The study involves 5 visits to the lab and you will be […]

Research Participants Needed – Social Attitudes Study

We are conducting a study looking at attitudes towards social groups. The study involves tasks that require you to categorize faces, complete cognitive tasks using an iPad and fill out questionnaires about yourself, your opinions, and your behaviours.  This is a one-time session lasting 60-90 minutes and will take place at OISE (252 Bloor St W). You will be compensated $20 and reimbursed for your TTC fare or parking costs if applicable.  Eligible participants are: – Caucasian – 18-25 years of age – Able to complete the study in English    Please email if you are interested in participating, or call us at 416-934-4503.


Would you like to be a test subject in a neuroscience study? Have your brain activity measured and your attention and memory tested? (Compensation $15/hr)  I would like to invite anybody aged 18-35 (must be right-handed and not have difficulties with hearing) to participate in a research study examining the mechanisms of long term memory for complex sound and attention in the brain (we will be measuring neural activity using an “electroencephalogram” or EEG). The study is approximately 4 hours long. You will be compensated with $15 per hour plus travel expenses (TTC). You can have the option of coming in for one […]


Would you like to be a test subject in a brain science study? Have your brain activity measured and get a chance to improve your perception of rapid speech? (Compensation $15/hr) We would like to invite anybody aged 18-35 (must be right-handed, speak English as a first language and not have difficulties with hearing) to participate in a research study examining the mechanisms of speech perception and learning. We will be measuring neural activity using an electroencephalogram (or EEG). The study is conducted over the course of 2-3 sessions with the first and last sessions 7-10 days apart. The first […]