JOB POSTING: Assistant Coordinating Clinic Manager

Assistant Coordinating Clinic Manager S.T.A.R.T. Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders – Toronto, ON Full-time The S.T.A.R.T. Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders is a growing multidisciplinary clinic with practitioners providing a wide range of community based health care services including: diagnostic assessment, medication based treatment, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural treatment and mindfulness based treatment. We are seeking a full-time Assistant Coordinating Manager to join our team who will provide support to the Clinic Manager, staff and patients. The Assistant Coordinating Manager will collaborate with the Clinic Manager to manage the delivery of clinical services and outpatient care, facilitate the flow […]

Job Posting – Program Assistant: Youth Psychology Service

Youth Psychology Service The Youth Psychology Service (YPS) is a student-led initiative for at-risk youth, their caregivers, and community workers. The program has four goals: Goal 1: Increase access to psychological services in marginalized populations Goal 2: Provide psychological services to youth and their family Goal 3: Support staff and foster interdisciplinary partnerships Goal 4: Expand clinical, research, and professional development for students Services include clinical services for youth, staff training and consultation, program development and evaluation, and caregiver support groups. YPS also has a research program, including the evaluation of the efficacy of community-based services provided for youth. Services […]

RA Needed at Rotman School of Management

Work Study RA at Rotman School of Management A Research Assistant is needed to help Dr. Jacob Hirsh with ongoing research projects in Psychology/Organizational Behaviour at the Rotman School of Management. Successful candidates will be responsible for conducting behavioral studies, performing literature reviews, and developing experimental materials. Research topics will include Personality, Motivation, Decision-Making, Creativity, and Self-Development. Familiarity with concepts and experimental paradigms from Social, Personality, and Cognitive Psychology is an asset, as is experience with online research platforms such as Qualtrics and Mechanical Turk. The position is flexible on hours and requires a great deal of independent work. Applications can be […]

Research Coordinator Positions — Mood Research Lab

TWO RESEARCH COORDINATOR POSITIONS Dr. Kate Harkness of the Mood Research Lab in the Department of Psychology, Queen’s University is hiring ONE full-time research co-ordinator and ONE half-time (.50 FTE) research coordinator for the CAN-BIND Project, a pan-Canadian study of biomarkers in depression funded by the Ontario Brain Institute and the Ontario Mental Health Foundation. Start dates are flexible (May 1 or June 1, 2016) and both positions will continue through March 31, 2017, with the option for renewing for a second year. Duties for both positions include the following: – calling and scheduling participants – liaising with project personnel […]

Summer Internship Opportunity — Bridgeable

Bridgeable* is hiring for their annual summer internship program.   Each year, they run an internship called the Designership, which is a 16-week, full-time, paid program for students interested in applying their skills to real systemic design challenges in the GTA. In the past, their three-person teams (made up of a researcher, designer, and strategist), have worked on problems as diverse as maternal health, financial access, and food security. To answer any questions, Bridgeable will be hosting an information session from 6-8pm on January 20th, at our offices at 1179 King St. West here in Toronto. More information about that event can […]