Backpack to Briefcase b2B Opportunity

Dear students,   There’s still time to register for the upcoming Backpack to Briefcase (b2B) Industry Night on February 15th. This b2B Industry Night happens only once per term and each one focuses on different industries, so don’t miss out on this one!  There will be two separate rooms, one for those interested in careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) and one for those interested in careers in government, social justice, or not-for-profit. Mix and mingle with alumni at this networking reception at Hart House. Make connections and speak with multiple alumni who graduated from the Faculty of Arts & […]

Ontario Science Games 2017

Hello everyone, Are you enrolled in a science program? Think UofT has the best science faculty in Ontario? Want to represent UofT? Then come compete in the Ontario Science Games! What are the Ontario Science Games? The Ontario Science Games (OSG) is an annual University competition that takes place in McMaster. The competition involves schools from across Ontario to compete in academic, athletic and school spirit oriented events in order to determine which University has the best science students in Ontario! This year, the OSG 2017 has invited UofT to form a delegation to go compete. Here is your chance! […]

Looking for Project Members!

Dear fellow students from Faculty of Art and Science,       If you’re interested in doing psychological research project directly address current issue in China to make a meaningful, real-world impact, we’re looking for project members who are experienced in either data analysis or psychological experiment. Or, ideally both.  We will welcome both graduate students and higher grade undergraduate students. Our project aim to address the issue of existential crisis among Chinese undergraduate students in China through meditation practice.       We will prepare for the challenge through a series of workshops, gaining feedback and guidance from faculty and advisers […]

NeuroXChange: Undergraduate Neuroscience Conference

Dear University of Toronto (St. George), McMaster University will be hosting our seventh annual NeuroXChange Conference on April 28th, 2017 and we would like to invite you to join us. NeuroXChange is a unique neuroscience and mental health conference open to undergraduate students across Ontario. This conference is designed to bring together future neuroscientists to network, learn, and present their research to fellow peers. Students are encouraged to present their research or to register as attendees. Registration is officially OPEN at Students presenting their research will have the opportunity to win cash prizes as well as a chance to be published in the […]

OISE Psychology Clinic

Psychotherapy, Counselling, and Drop-In Services   At the OISE Psychology Clinic, psychological services are provided by graduate students under the supervision of registered psychologists. Graduate students from two programs offer regular, ongoing services at the Clinic. The Counselling & Clinical Psychology program offers services to adults and older adolescents. The School & Clinical Child Psychology program offers services to children and youngeradolescents.   Registered U of T students pay $10 per counselling session, and the fees are covered in full under the U of T Benefits Plan, up to $500 per year. For non-students, and services not otherwise covered, we offer a flexible payment plan […]

York CVR-VISTA Vision Science Summer School

The Centre for Vision Research (CVR) at York University offers a one-week, all-expenses-paid undergraduate summer school on vision science.  This year’s program will be held June 5-9, 2017. This year’s summer school will be substantially expanded, as part of the VISTA initiative that will dramatically increase the number of faculty members and students engaging in vision research at York University in the coming years. The program includes talks by CVR faculty members on current research topics in vision science, as well as hands-on experience in CVR laboratories. The curriculum reflects the wide range of research areas at CVR, which includes research on human visual perception, […]

Recruiting Members: Mental Health Commission at UC Lit

The University College student government (UC Lit) at the University of Toronto St. George is recruiting members for its new Mental Health Commission. Members of this commission will: -Meet once a month to discuss mental health issues in the university and provide possible solutions.  -Help in the planning and execution of various events, keeping with the theme of stigma reduction.  -Be an advocate for improving mental health services in our university. This is a great opportunity to interact with notable members of the mental health community, and to create significant change in issues surrounding mental health at the university.  Note: […]

Recruiting Volunteer Research Assistants

The START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders is currently looking for volunteers who are interested in assisting with our research studies. The typical responsibilities include: data entry, literature searches, telephone screening and other office tasks. Volunteers are given training on all duties, and although experience is preferred it is not mandatory. Research volunteer qualifications: -mature individual comfortable handling confidential information -able to work in a fast paced professional environment -currently pursuing an undergraduate degree (all levels) in psychology -interest in pursuing graduate studies in psychology/medicine -experience or knowledge in basics of SPSS (asset but not required)  Individuals must be […]


Would you like to be a test subject in a neuroscience study? Have your brain activity measured and your attention and memory tested? (Compensation $15/hr)  I would like to invite anybody aged 18-35 (must be right-handed and not have difficulties with hearing) to participate in a research study examining the mechanisms of long term memory for complex sound and attention in the brain (we will be measuring neural activity using an “electroencephalogram” or EEG). The study is approximately 4 hours long. You will be compensated with $15 per hour plus travel expenses (TTC). You can have the option of coming in for one […]