Looking for Project Members!

Dear fellow students from Faculty of Art and Science, 

     If you’re interested in doing psychological research project directly address current issue in China to make a meaningful, real-world impact, we’re looking for project members who are experienced in either data analysis or psychological experiment. Or, ideally both.  We will welcome both graduate students and higher grade undergraduate students. Our project aim to address the issue of existential crisis among Chinese undergraduate students in China through meditation practice. 

     We will prepare for the challenge through a series of workshops, gaining feedback and guidance from faculty and advisers until the end of March 2017. If we win, from April to June, we will have the opportunity to travel to Asia to conduct research and put our proposals into action. In July and August we will write up their final reports and produce deliverables. The program will culminate in September 2017 with public presentations by student awardees at the Munk School of Global Affairs.

Please email me if you’re interested in joining us As Soon As Possible: lenka.wang@mail.utoronto.ca 

For more information:  http://munkschool.utoronto.ca/ai/rcl-itac/

Best Wishes 

Jackie Wang & Yuyu Zhang

Master of Global Affairs, 2016

Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto