Come to the Working for Mental Health Forum!

You’re invited to a brainstorming session for the 5th annual Working for Mental Health forum! The forum is an opportunity for students for students to learn more about career paths in different areas of the mental health field, and have meaningful discussions with representatives from community and campus mental health activists and advocacy organizations. Going into year five, we’d like to consult with a wide span of students who are interested in exploring opportunities for volunteering or working in the mental health field as we start to plan the forum, taking place in March 2019. Please join us on Friday, November 23rd from 1PM-2PM […]

Call For Submissions – Undergrad Research Conference

Are you an undergrad who has done research? Share your work at CONFLUENCE, UofT’s bi-annual undergraduate conference on cognition and the mind in February 2019! The conference is multidisciplinary, featuring work from fields of study including Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Psychology, Linguistics, Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence, Anthropology, and Philosophy. Acceptable submissions include (but are not limited to) research done in an independent study course, an ROP course, or as a research assistant; and research essays written for a course in one of the disciplines mentioned above. Please email your name, the title of your work, the abstract, and the original context of […]

Behavioural Economics Seminar

Interested in learning about how Psychology is being applied to Economics? The Behavioural Economics Student Group is hosting a talk on Behavioural Economics led by Professor Robert Gazzale. The talk will be at 6pm on Tuesday November 20th held in room GE106 (Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George street). This event is free of charge and all students are welcome, but registration is required and capped at 35 attendees.  Food will also be provided at no cost. Registration is open here: We hope to see you there!

Learning Abroad Exchange Info Session 2019-2020

Learning Abroad Exchange Info Session 2019-2020 The Centre for International Experience (CIE) is hosting a Program Specific Exchange Info Session for students who are interested in learning abroad. These info sessions are based on specific majors to help students search for opportunities related to their program of study. The info session is scheduled to take place at the Cumberland House at 33 St. George Street from 1pm-2pm. No registration is required and students can visit our new learning abroad website to learn more about upcoming events (

OB program at Rotman

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area at the Rotman School of Management here at the University of Toronto is currently seeking applications from top Psychology/Sociology students with excellent research experience for their PhD program (application deadline January 1st). The PhD program is a 5-year direct entry program, which means that people can apply straight out of undergrad. Their Faculty study a variety of exciting different topics, many of which will be interesting to undergraduate students who are interested in applying to Graduate programs in Psychology. For example, many of their Faculty study Psychological topics like emotion, morality, stereotyping, discrimination, […]

CBC’s Other People’s Problems @ Hot Docs Podcast Festival

*Other People’s Problems: Family Inheritance* Therapy sessions are typically held behind closed doors, but CBC Podcast Other People’s Problems <> opens these doors to demystify the therapeutic process. This Sunday, CAMH’s Director of Health Equity *Dr. Kwame McKenzie* and University of Toronto Psychology professor *Dr. Tina Malti *will join Vancouver-based therapist and host Hillary McBride on stage, featuring audio clips from one of Hillary’s real sessions with a client. They will discuss how we learn to hold both the positive and negative ways that our parents made us who we are. And now — how do we grow beyond what we inherited? Don’t miss this lively and interactive […]

Interested in academic publishing or an academic career?

Watch a 5-minute video on a scholarly communication topic and fill in a questionnaire to learn more about publishing in academia or the experience of a St. Mike’s professor! If you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a co-curricular record. In addition, if you agree to submit your answers to a study to learn how the videos have impacted your understanding of scholarly communication, you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card of your choice (Starbuck’s, Tim Hortons, Cineplex, Apple, or Indigo). Please visit the following site to watch the video and complete the questionnaire: […]

Are you interested in studying with the Faculty of Medicine?

The Graduate and Life Sciences Education (GLSE) team are committed to organizing events that will help undergraduate students discern their future career paths. We will be pairing undergraduate students with 4th-year undergraduate/graduate students from across the 14 different graduate programs offered in the Faculty of Medicine.   Undergraduate/graduate mentors will give an overview of the nature of their research and how it may tie with concepts undergraduate students have learned in their lectures. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to shadow a 4th-year undergraduate/graduate students as they perform their experiments and daily tasks.   Who? All Life Science undergraduate students […]