Fall 2018 English Language Learning (ELL)

*FREE* high quality English language instruction with the English Language Learning Program will start again in Fall 2018!  The ELL Communication Cafe offers drop-in discussions, presentations, and debates, along with learning about Canadian culture (starting September 10, 2018—no registration necessary).  Sessions are facilitated by ELL professors and writing centre instructors. Registration will open on September 6 for Reading eWriting, online writing practice with a writing centre instructor (starting September 14, 2018). Both programs are designed for multilingual students and are open to all Arts & Science undergraduates. For more information visit: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/advising/ell<https://owa2010.utoronto.ca/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=Q4DKLY0V4vdFFGMUhBYE6QIAB1X5BM6VaR0Z6QZaQucRJfsEd5zUCGgAdAB0AHAAOgAvAC8AdwB3AHcALgBhAHIAdABzAGMAaQAuAHUAdABvAHIAbwBuAHQAbwAuAGMAYQAvAGMAdQByAHIAZQBuAHQALwBhAGQAdgBpAHMAaQBuAGcALwBlAGwAbAA.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.artsci.utoronto.ca%2fcurrent%2fadvising%2fell> Contact us at: ell.newcollege@utoronto.ca<https://owa2010.utoronto.ca/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=AcklyoP2YMXVqeIY5ARhcCBx-_ST59CPf_CU0TPVQBERJfsEd5zUCG0AYQBpAGwAdABvADoAZQBsAGwALgBuAGUAdwBjAG8AbABsAGUAZwBlAEAAdQB0AG8AcgBvAG4AdABvAC4AYwBhAA..&URL=mailto%3aell.newcollege%40utoronto.ca>  

Placement Opportunities for Upper-Level Students

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies and Mindfulness Without Borders are each offering students the opportunity of getting involved in outreach strategies to integrate mindfulness programs into secondary and post-secondary education. Students can go to http://uoft.me/CommunityEngagedLearning for more information about these and other placements, the courses and application procedures. There is a deadline of August 7th.

Mentorship Opportunity

The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Section for Students in Psychology is launching the fourth edition of its Mentorship Program to promote leadership and mentorship among student affiliates. Their program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in peer-mentorship relationships with graduate student mentors. Graduate student mentors will provide mentorship in the form of guidance, advice, information, and support to undergraduate students looking for direction within the domain of psychology. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students in your association to connect with a mentor who is pursuing similar interests and career goals. For more information or application materials, visit […]

UofT Leadership Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

*Event: *Learning to Lead Full Day *Date: *August 9th, 2018 *Time: *10 AM – 4:00 PM *Location:* Baldwin Room, CIE (Centre for International Experience, 33 St. George St.) *What to expect?* Learning to Lead Full Day is a series of free workshops. You have the options to sign up for the whole day or for individual workshops. Please note that lunch is included for those that register for the full day. Workshops offered at the Learning to Lead Full Day: *1) What is Leadership?* Leadership can be described as “evolving” – as “self-discovery” – and as something that is “subjective”. […]

Are you interested in psychedelics research?

For those of you interested or involved with psychedelics research, the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) are asking for abstract submissions for their annual interdisciplinary conference, Mapping the Mind with Mushrooms (MMWM). The form can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgGnX5mWnWfWf6zLlHnAkr8riJkLV-QxcACO7Y1UMt2AdUCg/viewform Best of luck to those submitting!

Undergraduate Research in Natural and Clinical and Technology (URNCST) is having a competition!!

The URNCST Researcher Abstract Competition, which is an international research abstract competition for authors who completed their research outlined in their abstract while enrolled in an undergraduate or professional-undergraduate degree program. The research to be submitted should be in an academic discipline in science or technology. The submission deadline for the abstract is July 1, 2018, at 11.59pm. For further details, please visit the website: https://urncst.com/index.php/competition/about

Are you a student student considering graduate work in Clinical Psychology or Clinical Neuropsychology?

Here are some links to helpful information about programs offered by the University of Windsor! http://www.uwindsor.ca/psychology/clinical-neuropsychology/ Welcome to Clinical Neuropsychology! http://www.uwindsor.ca/psychology/313/clinical-overview Clinical Overview | Department of Psychology <http://www.uwindsor.ca/psychology/313/clinical-overview> www.uwindsor.ca Mission Statement of the Clinical Psychology Program. The mission of the doctoral program in clinical psychology is to prepare graduate students for professional practice as clinical psychologists in community, health/medical, academic, and/or research settings.