Innovation Hub: Call for Student Volunteers

Volunteer with the Innovation Hub – Join a Cross-Disciplinary Community & Learn New Skills! The Innovation Hub is pleased to announce that we are now accepting expressions of interest for the many volunteer positions over the 2018/2019 Fall and Winter semesters. Aside from practical learning and real world experience, both of which can enhance students’ career development, we are also pleased to announce that many of these positions are Co-Curricular Record approved. Students will have the opportunity to be involved in an engaging, inclusive and diverse community and to learn and practice new skills. Volunteers may express their interest in joining […]

Innovation Hub Volunteer Opportunities

UofT’s Innovation Hub has some great volunteer opportunities for students to get involved with research around user experience and student life. It’s a great chance to find out how student programs and infrastructure are re-designed at UofT. Students will be involved with various aspects of the research design process and develop a very unique perspective of student experience. Check out the website if you’d like to learn more about what an Innovation Hub is: Here’s info about the postings and the link to the application: Deadline to apply is Friday, September 14th.

Ralph Lab RA Volunteer

Dr. Martin Ralph’s Chronobiology Lab (Department of Psychology) is offering volunteer RA Positions. As RAs, students will help prepare and run behavioural experiments, get hands-on experience in animal handling, and be exposed to studies that make use of animal models to understand the brain. We prefer students who are: – In 1st, 2nd or 3rd year – Available to work at the lab for 5 or more hours a week – Good at time management – Initiative and have good work ethics For more information or if you’re interested, please send your cover letter and CV/resume to

Chasteen Lab Volunteer Research Assistant

The Chasteen Lab is seeking applications for volunteer research assistant (RA) positions for fall/winter 2018-2019. RAs will work on studies examining stereotyping, prejudice and stigma. Applicants should have a motivation for research and a strong academic record (particularly in psychology). RA positions require a minimum time commitment of 8 hours per week. To learn more, please visit our website: To apply: Please send a cover letter, unofficial transcript (screenshots from ACORN), and resume to the lab manager at:

Volunteer Research Opportunity

The Geva Lab at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) is seeking applications for volunteer research assistant (RA) positions to begin in the fall. The RA will work on studies examining literacy acquisition in second language (L2) learners. As part of the lab, you have the opportunity to assist with inputting collected data and be trained on test administration for ongoing projects. It is never too early to start building up your research experience, so we encourage applications from first and second-year students! If interested, please email with your cover letter, CV, and unofficial transcript.

PSA Office Hour Holder Recruitment

Here is an opportunity to get involved with the Psychology Students’ Association (PSA) if you haven’t already! We are now recruiting volunteers for Fall 2018! Our organization relies on the meaningful contributions of its volunteers to effectively support the undergraduate psychology community at the University of Toronto. And one of the ways to volunteer with PSA is to be an office hour holder! Further details can be found in the form below. If you are interested to get involved with PSA, fill out the form. The deadline is September 20!…/1FAIpQLSfeI9tiVg1TjylUw…/viewform…

Volunteer Undergraduate RA Positions in Organizational Behavior, Schulich

Interested in the psychology of justice, envy, diversity, or self processes in the workplace? Dr. Chris Bell, Associate Professor in Organization Studies at the Schulich School of Business, is looking for undergraduate psychology students to help run several research sessions in the Fall 2018 term, and contribute to other studies through W19. Ideal candidates will have the following:   – Be in 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of the Honours program – Preference for students  enrolled in or intending to take the Specialized Honours program – Have a minimum B+ average, particularly in Social Psychology – Be available to run […]