Hi everyone. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the university’s recommendation to cease all non-academic activity, the PSA will be cancelling all events that require physical attendance and suspending the operation of the PSA office until further notice. However, we will continue to pursue opportunities in service of our student body, such as hosting our events virtually. More information on virtual events will come at a later date once we have finalized the details.
In the meantime, we hope everyone remembers to take care of themselves. With all of the pandemonium and confusing events going on in the world, it is very easy to lose sight of your own health even though it is one of, if not the most, important thing you have. Eat well, get sleep, and please find a way to relax — even if it is for a bit.
If you have any questions about what the PSA is up to or just concerns in general, please do not hesitate to reach out. The PSA will always try to do what it can for the students we represent.