Second Year Learning Community peer mentor job is now
live on CLN, and the Job ID is 126721.
Students have to go to CLN to apply, but they can also find instructions
SLC Peer Mentor Job Application – Psychology (Tentatively Scheduled: Mondays, 1-2:30 p.m.)
Job Description:
The Second-Year Learning Communities (SLCs) is a pilot program in the Faculty of Arts and Science designed to foster a sense of community among students entering the Psychology POSt. SLCs provide students with the opportunity to meet classmates in their POSt, learn how to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world situations and to understand the range of research and career opportunities available to them.
SLCs are small groups of second-year students who get together on a bi-weekly basis for useful and fun activities that cover academic, developmental and career themes. Each SLC will be facilitated by a team that consists of a Peer Mentor (an upper-year student) and an Assistant Peer Mentor, with the guidance of a Faculty Advisor (from Psychology). Training for the mentors and advisors will be provided by the Learning Communities Office and the Office of Student Life. Each SLC group will have a modest budget to assist with programming.
Each Peer Mentor will:
• Attend each SLC meeting from September to April on the designated SLC afternoon; the Peer Mentor plans and facilitates the activities for each session with the support of the Assistant Peer Mentor and Faculty Advisor.
• Serve as a resource and role model for second-year students on behalf of the University of Toronto.
• On bi-weekly basis, submit a SLC summary file that tracks their session plans, attendance, and budget.
• Meet regularly with the staff and faculty advisors to plan the content of the SLC sessions (e.g. arranging for alumni speakers). Programming will include academic, developmental and social activities.
• Develop an understanding of the needs of second-year university students, and build rapport with their SLC students and an inclusive community.
• Communicate to their SLC students through e-mail and Facebook, responding promptly to queries and concerns.
• Be knowledgeable about University, career and program resources, and communicating accurate and timely information to students about these resources.
• Notify the Learning Communities Coordinator of any student in difficulty and refer student to appropriate resources.
• Participate in 3-day Peer Mentor training program at the end of summer (27-29 August 2018). They will also attend peer mentor meetings in the fall and winter semesters.
Each Assistant Peer Mentor will:
• Attend each SLC session, from September to April, assisting the Peer Mentor and advisors.
• Serve as a resource and role model for second-year students, meet with the peer mentor and staff and faculty advisors to plan the content of the SLC session.
• Be knowledgeable about University, career and program resources.
• Participate in a 3-day Peer Mentor training program at the end of summer (27-29 August 2018). They will also attend peer mentor meetings in the fall and winter semesters.
Job Requirements:
Each Peer Mentor and Assistant Peer Mentor must:
• Not have classes or commitments on the afternoons of their SLC from September to April, as SLC meetings will be for 90 minutes weekly for the first two weeks and every other week for the remainder of the year.
• Have successfully completed the 2017-2018 academic year as a student in an Psychology POSt Program.
• Have successfully completed PSY201 and at least two additional 200-level PSY courses.
• Be a third- or fourth-year degree student in the Faculty of Arts & Science who has completed at least 10 credits as of the coming September, and is in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
• Be sincerely interested and skillful in promoting a supportive and welcoming environment for Psychology POSt students from diverse backgrounds.
• Exhibit leadership potential and a strong commitment to the SLC program.
• Exhibit the ability to work effectively with mentors, Learning Communities staff and faculty advisors as well as a group of second-year students.
• Have a strong interest and desire to help students succeed and persist an Psychology POSt as well as demonstrate creativity in developing programming.
Please visit the FLC website, and fill out this form (…/apply-to-a-slc/) to submit with your application.