Call for Submissions

UofT Museum Studies students are developing a year long exhibition about art, student experiences and positive mental health. The show opens in April 2018 at the Bissell Building, connected to Robarts Library. They are seeking artwork in any 2D medium (drawing, painting, photography, etc.) created by current or former students in any discipline, who use art as a form of therapy and resilience. Honorariums will be included (amount TBD). Visit to find out more and submit your artwork. Questions/Concerns? Contact  

Inkblot: Call for Submissions

Inkblot, the Undergraduate Journal of Psychology, is opening up article submissions for their 7th issue! This is an excellent opportunity to be published in an undergrad academic journal. Inkblot accepts reviews, critiques, original research, and most papers written for classes in the realm of psychology. Submissions must be a maximum of 12 double-spaced pages, and each person may submit up to 2 articles. Deadline: Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 11:59 PM Send submissions to: (.doc/.docx files only) Submission guidelines can be found at: Questions can be directed to Kayla at How does publishing a paper in an […]

Calling All Mentees!

Calling all first-year Psychology students! Are you looking for help with transitioning to university? Are you trying to get more involved in the psychology community at U of T? Become a mentee at the Psychology Students’ Association! As a mentee, you will be matched with an upper year psychology student who will guide you through your psychology program. You will be able to enlist their expertise as a psychology student to learn more about research opportunities, how to manage time, handle stress, and what’s more after PSY100. You will also have the opportunity to meet with your mentor throughout the […]

The PSA Needs Mentors!

Calling all upper year psychology students! Interested in developing your leadership skills or getting involved with the psychology community? Then consider becoming a mentor for the Psychology Students’ Association mentorship program! The aim of the program is to connect upper year psychology students with first year students interested in psychology to facilitate their transition into university life. As a mentor, your duties will enlist your expertise as a psychology student by helping your mentees navigate through their psychology program and general university concerns. Due to the fact that this is a mentorship program, you will not be expected to tutor […]

Volunteer Opportunity!

Frontier College Literacy Program at U of T St. George Downtown Area Program Sites – Fall 2017 Email:; Website: After-School Learning Programs for Children A) Newcomer Homework Club What: Homework support program for elementary children (grades 3 – 8) of newcomer families living in Regent Park. Where: Lord Dufferin Public School, 350 Parliament St. between Gerrard and Dundas. When: Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Site Coordinators: Stephen Hong: B) Scadding Court Community Centre After-School Homework Help What: Homework support, reading, and other learning activities for elementary school children. Where: 707 Dundas West at Bathurst […]

Join the Inkblot Team!

Hello everyone! Inkblot is the undergraduate psychology journal at the University of Toronto. We are recruiting editors, layout editors, and a marketing manager* to help with the seventh issue of Inkblot! Some benefits of being part of an undergraduate editorial board include: Helps improve your writing and research skills. As an editor, you will learn to critically evaluate your peers’ literature reviews and primary research papers. This will in turn help improve your own skills in writing coherent and engaging research papers. Become familiarized with the publication process. If you are considering graduate school, writing and publishing research papers will make up […]

Toronto Forensic Research eXchange

On May 25th 2017, Ryerson University will host the 2nd annual Toronto Forensic Research eXchange (FRX), a free networking and information sharing event for professionals, researchers, and students working in law, corrections/forensic mental health, policing, and youth justice. Please register on our website (

Extern Job Shadowing Program

Dear Department of Psychology (Grad & Undergrad) & PSA,  I’m pleased to announce an exciting opportunity that I’d love to share with you! I currently run a program called the Extern Job Shadowing Program that provides an experiential learning opportunities for students to shadow professionals within our community to learn more about their career, organization, and industry. Please circulate this email to your ListServs and any interested students you come across! We currently have an opening for two students to meet with a Recreational Therapist and a Creative Arts Therapist, in the Veteran’s Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital. This opportunity is […]

Psychology Research Opportunity Program: Info Session

Are you a first year thinking of applying to a psychology ROP? Come out to the PSA’s ROP info session! We’ve invited Alison Chasteen, a past research project supervisor, and past ROP students to speak on their experiences including: what labs are looking for in a ROP applicant, the role of students in the research project, how students’ participation was marked and how students can achieve academic success with the project. RVSP on our Facebook Page! The event will take place Thursday, February 16th, 2017 at 2-4pm, room TBA. For more information about the ROP series please visit