Behavioural Economics Student Group Recruitment

Are you a student who is interested in Behavioural Economics? The University of Toronto now has a student group dedicated solely to the study of Behavioural Economics. Behavioural Economics Student Group (BESG) already has 40+ general members and 15 core members, committed to connecting students to those working in behavioural economics and organizing events that help gain insight into the field. The group conducts interviews with academics and people working in the private sector, talks with professors, such as U of T’s Robert Gazzale, and notifies its members about research positions and job opportunities in behavioral economics. They are also […]

2019 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs)

The Dept. of Psychology departmental deadline for NSERC USRA applications is *Tuesday February 26th, 2019* (note the revised date from the 25th, as office will be closed on the 25th). Students apply via the NSERC website. Applications must then be printed and submitted to the Undergraduate Administrator in Sid Smith, room 4014 along with an official UofT transcript and the student/supervisor certificate form. Please see the following website for more information, as well as the attached: Dept. of Psychology Rules for NSERC Applications: -We will not accept applications from students at other universities -We will not accept applications from […]

PSY306Y0 in Siena, Italy – Application deadline extended

Earn a full-year PSY credit in Siena, Italy this summer! Love the Italian language and culture?  What better way is there to learn it than by living and studying in Siena for 4.5 weeks! The Italy Summer Abroad Program ( is offering a Psychology course this summer, and applications are still open! The program will be organized and hosted by the Universitá degli Studi di Siena (, the second oldest university in Italy, dating back to 1240.  Students will be housed in the University residences, which are centrally located and within walking distance to both classrooms and city attractions. The course PSY306Y0 Disability: Culture and Inclusion ( offer […]

PSY306Y0 in Siena, Italy – Application deadline extended

Earn a full-year PSY credit in Siena, Italy this summer! Love the Italian language and culture?  What better way is there to learn it than by living and studying in Siena for 4.5 weeks! The Italy Summer Abroad Program is offering a Psychology course this summer, and applications are still open! The program will be organized and hosted by the Universitá degli Studi di Siena, the second oldest university in Italy, dating back to 1240.  Students will be housed in the University residences, which are centrally located and within walking distance to both classrooms and city attractions. The course PSY306Y0 Disability: Culture and Inclusion offer […]

Apply for the NSERC!

2019 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs)   The Dept. of Psychology departmental deadline for NSERC USRA applications is Monday, February 25th, 2019. Students apply via the NSERC website. Applications must then be printed and submitted to the Undergraduate Administrator in Sid Smith, room 4014 along with an official UofT transcript and the student/supervisor certificate form. Please see the following website for more information, as well as the attached:   Dept. of Psychology Rules for NSERC Applications:   -We will not accept applications from students at other universities -We will not accept applications from non-PSY Program students or UTM/UTSC […]

PSA Mentorship Program

Calling all upper year psychology students! Interested in developing your leadership skills or getting involved with the psychology community? Then consider becoming a mentor for the Psychology Students’ Association mentorship program! The aim of the program is to connect upper year psychology students with first year students interested in psychology to facilitate their transition into university life. As a mentor, your duties will enlist your expertise as a psychology student by helping your mentees navigate through their psychology program and general university concerns. Due to the fact that this is a mentorship program, you will not be expected to tutor […]

NutriRise Wellness Research Writing Program – Call for Applications

Canadian health and wellness brand NutriRise is now accepting applications for its Wellness Research Writing Program. Designed for students interested in health and wellness, research, writing, or content creation, the NutriRise Wellness Research Writing Program gives students the opportunity to gain experience in reviewing research literature, writing blog posts based on scientific findings, and publishing posts online. Successful applicants (“Wellness Research Writers”) will work under the guidance of Dr. Nadia Bashir to create informative, evidence-based health and wellness content that will be published weekly on the NutriRise blog. Wellness Research Writers will work remotely; be part of a supportive, solutions-oriented […]

All-paid summer school program in Vision Sciences

York CVR-VISTA Vision Science Summer School – June 3 – 7, 2019 The Centre for Vision Research (CVR) at York University in Toronto offers a one-week, all expenses-paid undergraduate summer school on vision science. The program includes talks by CVR faculty on current research topics in vision science, as well as hands-on experience in CVR laboratories. The curriculum reflects the wide range of research areas at CVR, which includes research on human visual perception, computer vision, machine learning, visual neuroscience, 3D film, immersive environments, and disorders of vision. The program is designed for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing […]

CPA Section for Women and Psychology Student Paper and Travel Awards – Call for Applications

SWAP Student Awards: Student Paper Award and Travel Bursary The Section for Women and Psychology (SWAP) of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) offers awards for research by students in areas of particular relevance to women or feminism. To be eligible for an award, students must be presenting their work at the 2019 CPA Convention. Submissions may be in English or French. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 8, 2019. Student Paper Award: $500 Travel Bursaries: $250 For information and to apply, please go to: Please contact Dr. Sara Crann ( with inquiries.