Research Assistants Needed!

The Brain, Cognition and Language Lab at OISE is currently recruiting research assistants! This current research project is investigating the effectiveness of an evidence‐based reading fluency intervention called Reading Acceleration Program (RAP). Language and literacy data, cognitive data, and demographic information were gathered. The collected data will be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively at pre, post, and follow‐up test. They are looking for responsible students who are Native Chinese speakers and can help with data scoring and entry. If interested, please contact Yueming Xi (

Volunteer Research Assistant Position

The Social Psychophysiological Research & Quantitative Methods Lab (SPRQL) at the University of Toronto St. George is looking for a team of passionate and dedicated Research Assistants to work on various studies in the lab. This is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in psychophysiological measurement techniques, data coding, and become involved in complex study designs.  This is also a great opportunity to receive an excellent letter of recommendation. Students interested in this position should: –    Have a strong academic background, particularly in Psychology. –    Be able to commit until Summer 2018. –    Be able […]

Calling All Mentees!

Calling all first-year Psychology students! Are you looking for help with transitioning to university? Are you trying to get more involved in the psychology community at U of T? Become a mentee at the Psychology Students’ Association! As a mentee, you will be matched with an upper year psychology student who will guide you through your psychology program. You will be able to enlist their expertise as a psychology student to learn more about research opportunities, how to manage time, handle stress, and what’s more after PSY100. You will also have the opportunity to meet with your mentor throughout the […]

The PSA Needs Mentors!

Calling all upper year psychology students! Interested in developing your leadership skills or getting involved with the psychology community? Then consider becoming a mentor for the Psychology Students’ Association mentorship program! The aim of the program is to connect upper year psychology students with first year students interested in psychology to facilitate their transition into university life. As a mentor, your duties will enlist your expertise as a psychology student by helping your mentees navigate through their psychology program and general university concerns. Due to the fact that this is a mentorship program, you will not be expected to tutor […]

Volunteer Opportunity!

Frontier College Literacy Program at U of T St. George Downtown Area Program Sites – Fall 2017 Email:; Website: After-School Learning Programs for Children A) Newcomer Homework Club What: Homework support program for elementary children (grades 3 – 8) of newcomer families living in Regent Park. Where: Lord Dufferin Public School, 350 Parliament St. between Gerrard and Dundas. When: Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Site Coordinators: Stephen Hong: B) Scadding Court Community Centre After-School Homework Help What: Homework support, reading, and other learning activities for elementary school children. Where: 707 Dundas West at Bathurst […]

Research Volunteer Position!

Job Description: The Helwig Lab of the Psychological Department at theUniversity of Toronto is currently recruiting research volunteers to assist 2 cross-cultural psychological research projects. Project 1 examines Chinese adolescents’ views about parenting and their psychological well-being and academic achievement. Duties may include assisting with data organization, data entry, and supervised assistance with data analysis. Project 2 is an exploratory and comparative study which took place this summer in Beijing and rural Xi’an. The format of the study consists of in-depth interviews on high school graduates’ perceptions towards the examination as well as the Chinese higher education system in general. Duties […]

Join the Inkblot Team!

Hello everyone! Inkblot is the undergraduate psychology journal at the University of Toronto. We are recruiting editors, layout editors, and a marketing manager* to help with the seventh issue of Inkblot! Some benefits of being part of an undergraduate editorial board include: Helps improve your writing and research skills. As an editor, you will learn to critically evaluate your peers’ literature reviews and primary research papers. This will in turn help improve your own skills in writing coherent and engaging research papers. Become familiarized with the publication process. If you are considering graduate school, writing and publishing research papers will make up […]

Looking for Research Assistants!

The Organizational Behaviour at the Rotman School of Management is currently looking for volunteer research assistants for this term (starting immediately) to help design and run studies on gender and self-presentation in the job search process. They are looking for students with strong academic records, and who are reliable, conscientious, and capable of independent work. Relevant lab experience (e.g. running participants, knowledge of Qualtrics) is an asset but not required. Applicants should be able to commit at least six hours to lab work each week, and will have the opportunity to engage with multiple stages of the experimental process (e.g., study […]

Recruiting Research Assistants!

The MacDonald Social Psychology Research Laboratory at the University of Toronto St. George is currently seeking reliable and conscientious volunteer research assistants for the 17-18 school year. Students interested in this position must: – have a strong academic record (cGPA of 3.5 is preferred) – be available to volunteer 6-8 hours a week (starting immediately) and into the 2017-2018 school term – be attentive to detail and able to work independently – previous lab experience an asset but not required If interested in volunteering, please email your CV and unofficial transcripts to Kaz Laird at We look forward to hearing […]