Would you like to be a test subject in a brain science study? Have your brain activity measured and get a chance to improve your perception of rapid speech? (Compensation $15/hr) We would like to invite anybody aged 18-35 (must be right-handed, speak English as a first language and not have difficulties with hearing) to participate in a research study examining the mechanisms of speech perception and learning. We will be measuring neural activity using an electroencephalogram (or EEG). The study is conducted over the course of 2-3 sessions with the first and last sessions 7-10 days apart. The first […]


Calling all Undergraduate Students (Ages 18-25 yrs.) for a PAID study on Memory of Visual Objects at Baycrest Hospital. You get $20 after completing the 1 hr study! We are currently recruiting participants for an eye-tracking study at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Hospital. All testing will take place at Baycrest Hospital at 3560 Bathurst st. at Bathurst and Wilson. In this study we want to know how people perceive visual objects. You will be asked to view a series of pictures of objects presented on a computer screen and to make decisions about them. While you are performing these tasks, […]


Dr. Earl Woodruff Lab at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto is conducting a research on measuring students’ real-time emotions and learning in two computer-mediated learning environments. The results of this study will enable us to inform pedagogical planning and design systems that scaffold affect and help learners to develop emotion self-regulation skills. We are looking for undergraduate student participants to participant. The participation takes about 80 minutes and will be compensated with $20. Zhenhua Xu, Ph. D Candidate,  M.A.,  M.Ed. Applied Psychology and Human Development, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the […]


VOLUNTEER RESEARCH ASSISTANTS WANTED FOR STUDIES IN THE BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER AND EMOTION PROCESSING LAB The Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Processing Lab is conducting studies on emotion regulation, suicidality and physiological processes. We are looking for volunteer research assistants for 2016-2017. Volunteers will have the opportunity of conducting experimental research and training with analysis of physiological data. The time commitment is 6-8 hours per week. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students wanting more exposure to populations with psychological disorders, wanting to learn more about abnormal psychology, gain proficiency in conducting experiments with and analyzing physiological data or […]

Research Assistant Needed at SPCLab

The Social Perception and Cognition Lab (SPCL) at UofT is looking for Research Assistants for the Summer semester. We are looking for students with strong academic backgrounds and a passion for psychology. Applicants should be prepared to commit at least eight hours per week dedicated to research. Please send your application package (cover letter, unofficial transcript, application form (on website: to

Research Volunteer Needed at START Clinic

Would you like to gain clinical research at a mental health facility? The START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders is currently looking for research volunteers who are interested in assisting with our research studies. Typical responsibilities include: data entry, literature searches, telephone screenings, typing clinical assessment reports, and other office tasks. Volunteers are given training on all duties, and although experience is preferred, it is not mandatory. Research volunteer qualifications: –       Recent completion of a Bachelor of Science or Arts degree in psychology or a similar area –       Mature individual comfortable handling confidential information –       Able to work in a fast paced […]

Lab Volunteers Needed at CAMH

BIOBEHAVIORAL ALCOHOL RESEARCH LAB (CAMH) The Biobehavioral Alcohol Research Lab at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (PI: Dr. Christian Hendershot) has openings for student volunteers to work on research projects related to alcohol and substance use. Current projects include studies examining risk and protective factors for the development of alcohol use disorders, as well as clinical trials. Responsibilities will include assisting with participant recruitment/screening, administration of experimental tasks and questionnaires, data entry, and literature searches. Volunteers will receive training/supervision and will gain experience in clinical and experimental research in the area of addictive behaviours. The position requires work […]

RA Needed at Rotman School of Management

Work Study RA at Rotman School of Management A Research Assistant is needed to help Dr. Jacob Hirsh with ongoing research projects in Psychology/Organizational Behaviour at the Rotman School of Management. Successful candidates will be responsible for conducting behavioral studies, performing literature reviews, and developing experimental materials. Research topics will include Personality, Motivation, Decision-Making, Creativity, and Self-Development. Familiarity with concepts and experimental paradigms from Social, Personality, and Cognitive Psychology is an asset, as is experience with online research platforms such as Qualtrics and Mechanical Turk. The position is flexible on hours and requires a great deal of independent work. Applications can be […]

Research Assistants Needed at Scott Research Lab

The Scott Research Lab at the University of Toronto (OISE) is recruiting volunteer research assistants! The study is on the impact of parenting interventions for mothers and children with a history of trauma, and fathers with a history/risk of child maltreatment. This is an exceptional opportunity for students with an interest in graduate studies and/or a career in psychology, social work, or mental health related fields. RAs will gain varied experience working with adult and child clinical populations, and will receive training in administering a wide variety of research measurements, including: child and adult self-report questionnaires, parent-child/parent-parent live interaction tasks, […]

Research Assistants Needed for Dr. Katreena Scott’s lab at OISE

The Scott Research lab at the University of Toronto (OISE) is recruiting volunteer research assistants! The study is on the impact of parenting interventions for mothers and children with a history of trauma, and fathers with a history/risk of child maltreatment. This is an exceptional opportunity for students with an interest in graduate studies and/or a career in psychology, social work, or mental health related fields. RAs will gain varied experience working with adult and child clinical populations, and will receive training in administering a wide variety of research measurements, including: child and adult self-report questionnaires, parent-child/parent-parent live interaction tasks, […]