Participants needed for Navigation Experiment

The Ryan Lab at Baycrest Hospital is looking for young adults for a navigation experiment. Eligible participants will be between the ages of 18-30, have no history of neurological/psychological conditions, and be fluent English speakers. The experiment would take approximately 2 hours in total, including breaks. You will have to imagine yourself navigating between two Toronto landmarks which will be given to you. Simultaneously, youwill have to engage in a specified eye-movement while wearing an eye-tracker. You will need to be familiar with Downtown Toronto in order to be eligible for this study. You will be compensated $10/hour for your […]

Participants Wanted!

fMRI study of Memory for Pictures of Objects Details: The Buchsbaum Lab headed by Dr. Bradley Buchsbaum at Rotman Research Institute in Baycrest Hospital affiliated with University of Toronto is looking for healthy males and females to participate in a computer-based functional magnetic resonance-imaging (fMRI). The study consists of a single session of up to 1hr 30 min where you view pictures of different objects such as a book shelf presented on a computer screen, while being scanned in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. You will be tested on your memory for the objects, while learning about the usefulness […]

Adult Research Participants Needed for Study at University of Toronto

The Budding Minds Lab at the University of Toronto is seeking healthy adult participants ages 18 to 35 from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to participate in a behavioural study examining the relationship between memory development and behaviour. What’s involved in participating? You will complete a variety of fun, non-invasive learning and memory games at our lab at the St. George Campus and will receive $10 per hour for your time. If you are interested in participating in this study, please feel free to contact us at (416) 978-6506 or You can also check out our website at

Voluntary Research Position Available!

The Computational Cognitive Development Lab is looking for students who are interested in a voluntary research position in a developmental psychology lab! As a research assistant, you will have the opportunity to help with coding of behavioural experiments, inputting and assisting with data collection, and recruitment of children participants (aged 3 – 7) on campus and at the local museums like the Ontario Science Centre and the Royal Ontario Museum. Ideally, applicants should have the following: – Be in good academic standing – Be able to commit at least 8-10 hours (including weekends) a week – Be available and willing […]

Voluntary Research Position Available!

The Learning and Neural Development Lab is looking for students who are interested in a voluntary research position in the lab to help prepare and run experiments! As part of the lab, you will have the opportunity to prepare visual and auditory stimuli, run the experiments on both children (aged 5-9) and adult participants to collect behavioural data, help with the recruitment of participants on campus and at the local museums such as the Ontario Science Centre, and assist with inputting the data collected. Ideally, applicants should have the following: – Be in good academic standing – Be able to […]

Study Participants Needed!

Are you a student at U of T, Ryerson or George Brown? Are you interested in maintaining your mental health and wellness? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a research study examining how students seek mental health and wellness resources and services across the GTA. Compensation provided. To learn more about the study, check here:

Psychology Participation Opportunity!

The Voice and Resonance Lab is looking for individuals between 18 – 35 to participate in an 45-minute experiment looking at the influence of voice focus on oral-nasal balance in singing. Investigators are looking for: non-singers and untrained singers. Participants will be reimbursed $15 for their participation (see posters below). For more information or if you are interested in participating, please contact Charlene Santoni (

Research Assistant Recruitment!

The CAN Lab (Computational Affective Neuroscience Lab) at the University of Toronto St. George is looking for a team of passionate and dedicated Research Assistants to work on various new studies in the lab. Current projects investigate topics such as 1) emotion and cognition, 2) attitudes and preferences, 3) goal setting and 4) stereotyping and prejudice. Successful applicants will be responsible for participant recruitment, data collection, and preparing the necessary materials to run studies. This is a great opportunity for students to become immersed in learning new affective neuroscience techniques and become involved in complex study designs. Research Assistants will […]

Research Assistant Needed!

The Duncan Lab is looking for a volunteer to gain research experience! We are looking to accept a volunteer who is willing to contribute 8 hours a week gaining research experience in our lab over the summer. You will gain direct experience in participant recruitment, assessment, and data collection. Interested applicants should fill out the application form on our website (, and submit it along with a resume, unofficial transcript, and cover letter to